Dear Movers App blog,
I want to take a moment to share some of the emotions and challenges I am currently facing. I am feeling incredibly down and carrying a heavy burden of stress and pressure. I find myself alone, wearing multiple hats, and dealing with a broken heart that seems to bleed daily. The desire to reach out and talk to someone is overwhelming, but that someone isn't here at the moment. However, I believe that we are all on a journey, and in some way, we are making our way towards each other.
The feeling of loneliness is heart-breaking, especially as I miss my kids so much right now. I am grateful that the phone keeps ringing and my customers become my saving grace. They provide me with a sense of purpose and keep me going. There is also someone who helps me on jobs. although, same feelings might be shared. Still does her best to ensure I am okay. We should be thankful for all the blessings that come our way!
And treat them special.
I want to express my gratitude for the people in my circle who choose to be here and put up with me, even when they don't have to. I love them for that, and I am thankful for everyone who has helped me over the years in Kansas. Despite everything, my main mission remains to provide the absolute best moving experience for the people of Kansas. I want to ensure that we all stay happy and content with the work we do.
It's remarkable that even outside of the moving season, we are already booking up fast. This is a testament to our expertise and dedication. When you're good, you're good, and it's as simple as that.
I'll leave you with these thoughts, and I would greatly appreciate any thoughts and prayers you can send my way. I am open to any help I can get. Let's all stay strong and support each other.
Peace out everyone, and stay strong!
Ryan Lee.